Meet the Ladies

It's our pleasure to introduce to you, the people behind the beautiful handicraft

Marina Grobler | Project Manager

She can carry on for others with joy. She has a receptive nature and may bear burdens for others. She is pragmatic, thorough, strong-willed and practical. She is hard working, often martyr to duty. She is bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. She knows what she wants and why she wants it. She is a peacemaker. She understands the law of harmony and desire to balance her life with those around her. She has developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others.

Ivy Malatji

I have been with Basadi project since 2013.I have a saying: Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything will follow- Matthew 6:33.I was the first woman to start at Basadi Skills Project. It has changed my life and the life of my family. Both my children are students at The Lighthouse Academy and are tutored in English. I have a medical challenge with one of my boys, he has been diagnosed with chronic Asthma. Because of my employment, I can take proper care of him. Asthma is not easy to deal with and is life-threatening.I support my brothers who do not have jobs because of the high unemployment rate in our village. When I started I could not sew at all, everything I now know if because of what I was taught here. I also have developed life skills such as etiquette and many other teachings on how to become self-sustainable.

I dream futuristic dreams for Basadi – I would like to see growth so that more women in the village will have a better future, I would like us to have our own building & our own vehicle to do business with.My hope is in the following scripture – God will never leave you or forsake you. Be humble and God will exalt you. Don’t despise small beginnings and never bite the hand that feeds you.Be blessed.

Agnes Ngobeni

 “Agnes Ngobeni is my name…. I have 3 children. Matimu, a daughter, 19 years old, Vutlari, a son,13 years old and Vutomi, another daughter,10 years of age. I am the only breadwinner for my Family. I am also looking after the children of my sister who passed away. Since I started at Basadi life has changed I am hopeful and I can put food on the table for my Children.” Aggie has challenges because her youngest daughter is ill and needs several operations. Despite all the challenges in her life she is still smiling. Aggie is an artisan who is very diligent and she always helps her fellow artisans. She is quiet but has a happy expression on her face while working. She says she is happy to work at Basadi because if she had to stay home all day she would not cope well with all the worries she has. She encourages and inspires others.

Emily Modipa

Hi, I am Emily Modipa, off cause the Lord has blessed us in giving us a chance to work at Basadi where we as women of the village can come together and spend time at a place that fills us with hope and where we are served with the word of God. It is my wish to spread His good news and I hope that this year there would be more opportunities for women in the village to join us. Therefore if you can find it in your heart to sponsor a woman at Basadi, please do so because you will not just touch her life but also those of her entire family, 49 years of age, Emily has one child Thabeso, 20 years of age. Her sister passed away and she is raising her children, a boy, Cliff age 15 and girl, Dipou, age 20. Emily says her dream is to provide good education for her child and the children of her sister so they can go to college. She also wants to finish building her house so that she can take more orphaned children in to care for and to raise. She says Basadi has changed her life and gives her the strength to carry on day after day.

Desline Malatji 

My life has been changed by Basadi in so many ways. My last born, my daughter gets a proper education through Basadi, at the primary school, The Lighthouse Academy. My son had to attend public school and education is not very good. He is already in High School. I do not have a husband and have to look after my children and my two elderly parents. Life is hard in the village. We have to buy water from people who have boreholes in their yards because the village has no water. We have to buy wood to make fire and cook. Everything is about money. 

We are depending on the Lord to help us to get buyers for our goods this year and years to come so that we can expand and be givers of hope to a village full of women. There is a cry for help, can you hear it? It echoes in my mind every morning I walk to work. I have a passion for other women and wish to see us walking together to Basadi every morning with a song in our hearts, a song of hope. In my heart echoes the words of Philippians 4:6&7, it says the following, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The Lord knows my heart for Basadi and my hopes, it is at His feet. May we grow this year and may we have an opportunity to help other women in our surrounding villages

Josephine Sithole 

At 45 years of age, she has three boys; Pleasure, 25 years of age, Belief, 21 years of age and Hlulani, 5 years old. Hlulani is a student at the Lighthouse Academy, through sponsorship. Josephine is quiet and shy. Josephine is the first to show up for work every day. She is not a lady with a lot of words when asked how Basadi changed her life she just laughs. Josephine did not laugh when she started working with us. Her laugh now transforms the room and brightens a day… Every woman has a story to tell, it is up to them to share it with someone they trust. Basadi is a story of hope, a story that makes you believe and a story that would ultimately bring you pleasure as Josephine had named her children all those years ago.

Agnes Mihloti Nkuna

With my life in union with the Lord, it fills my heart with joy to see that He once more has shown me, that He cares for me. He has provided me with an opportunity at Basadi to change my life. This year, I would like the Lord to help us grow into a strong project so that other ladies from the village will get an opportunity to live better lives that is my wish and prayer.

Maite Ramoshaba

I have a seven-year-old son. My wish for this year is that the Good Lord would give us power and strengthen our faith. We would like to maintain hope and with the Lord’s blessing, we would like to achieve great things this year! We wish to have many places that would be willing to sell our products. Amen! Maite is thankful to work and study at Basadi. She is currently working in Basadi’s school clothes department where she assists the school parents with the clothes fitting and she does the financial transactions. She is also an expert in the making of the tote bag and small purses. Maite is a fast learner and shows huge potential.

Khomotso Letsoalo

I live in Fobeni Village. Both my parents have passed away and I am an only child. I am 28 years old and I also have one child. Pholoso, a girl, who is two years old and my pride and joy. Earlier this year my mom, who was our breadwinner, passed away. I had to make a plan for me and my baby to survive because I was not employed. Basadi was taking in an artisan and I applied. I am so lucky to study and work at this program. I have a purpose. My child has a future. I am a very happy woman. It is also so nice to be with other women who understand me and the situation that I came from. I have made friends at Basadi who support me and care for me.